Source code for BETRS

#    BETR-Research
#    A framework to create spatially resolved multimedia fate- and transport
#    models for chemical contaminants.
#    Copyright (C) 2010  Harald von Waldow <>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from numpy import *
import sys
import pdb
import cPickle
import os

## these imports reload modules in each run, for making development
## workflow smoother
## adding the subdirectory "PY" to the module search path. "PY" contains
## model-specific code.

if not pydir in sys.path:

import readinput
import globalz
import zvalues
import tempcorrect
import volumes
import processes
import mkflowD
import mkbigD
import emissions
import helpers
import solver
import output
import modifyparams
from readinput import *
from globalz import *
from zvalues import *
from tempcorrect import *
from volumes import *
from processes import *
from mkflowD import *
from mkbigD import *
from emissions import *
from helpers import *
from solver import *
from output import *
from modifyparams import *

[docs]class Model(): """ The class :class:`Model` is the user\'s interface to BETR-Research. :param int chemical: The ID of the chemical to be modelled (according to :file:`Chemicals/{chemdb}`) :param string run: String describing a particular model run. Used for the construction of output file paths. :param string chemdb: Filename of the chemicals database. :param string seasonalparfile: Filename of the parameter-file for seasonally changing values. :param string constantparfile: Filename of parameter-file for time-constant parameters. :param string compartmentfile: Filename of file describing the compartment. :param string flowdir: Name of the directory containing the convective flow descriptions. :param string processfile: Filename of the list of processes to be considered. :param string controlfile: Filename of the file containing options for this model run. """ def __init__(self,chemical, run='default', chemdb='chemicals_default.txt', seasonalparfile='seasonal_parameters_default.txt', constantparfile='const_parameters_default.txt', compartmentfile='compartments_default.txt', flowdir='default', processfile='processes_default.txt', controlfile='control_default.txt'): self.chemical=chemical ## read chemical fn=os.path.join('Chemicals', chemdb) self.update_chemical(chemical, fn) ## read environnmental parameters fn1=os.path.join('Environment', constantparfile) fn2=os.path.join('Environment', seasonalparfile) self.update_env_params(fn1,fn2) ## read compartment descriptions fn=os.path.join('Environment', compartmentfile) self.update_compartments(fn) ## read flows of transport media directory=os.path.join('Flows', flowdir) self.update_flows(directory) ## read processlist fn=os.path.join('Processes', processfile) self.update_processlist(fn) ## read controlfile fn=os.path.join('Control',controlfile) self.update_control(fn) ## update model-characteristic class attributes ## nocells, nots, nocomps, matdim self.update_char_numbers() ## construct time-averaged parameter array and flow-matrices ## parmean and flowdictmean #self.average_parameters() #self.average_flows() ## Calculate volumes of compartments and sub-compartments [self.vdict] self.update_volumes() # ## update self.killidx, the vector of indices in 0:matdim indicating ## zero-volume compartments self.mkkillidx_fromV() ## Calculate chemical properties in all cells at all timesteps self.update_chempardict() #self.chempardict ## Calculate z-values [self.zdict] self.update_zvalues() ## calculate D-values for intra-cell processes [self.Dproc] self.update_dvalues_process() ## calculate D-values for flow in transport media [self.Dflow] self.update_dvalues_flows() ## make 1/ZV available as list of diagonal sparse ## csr matrices [self.ZVinvlist] self.update_zvinvlist() # Construct the system matrices of D-values, # in sparse "coo" format, one for each timestep. # Compress matrices (delete 0 volume compartments) # and remember positions of deleted rows/columns # in self.killidx self.update_bigDlist() #################### end init ############################################## ## functions that read input files and construct or update the ## class attributes ## chemdict, par, compdict, flowdict, proclist, controldict
[docs] def update_chemical(self,chemno,chemdb): """reads the chemical to be modelled from the database of chemicals and updates Model.chemdict. :param chemno: ID of the chemical in chemdb. :param chemdb: path to the database of chemicals.""" self.chemdict = readChemicals([chemno], chemdb)[chemno]
def update_env_params(self,cpfile,spfile): self.par = constructEnvironment(cpfile,spfile) self.par = modparams(self) def update_compartments(self, compfile): self.compdict = readCompartments(compfile) def update_flows(self, flowdir, mean=False): self.flowdict = readFlows(self.compdict.keys(),flowdir) def update_processlist(self, processfile): self.proclist = readProcesses(self.compdict, processfile) def update_control(self, controlfile): self.controldict = readControl(controlfile) ############################################################################ ## update of model-characteristic class attributes def update_char_numbers(self): self.nocells = self.par.shape[0] # number of cells self.nots = self.par.shape[1] # number of timesteps in a period self.nocomp=len(self.compdict) # number of compartments self.matdim=self.nocells*self.nocomp # system-matrix dimension ############################################################################ ## functions that operate on input parameters to ## create or update dictionaries: ## vdict:{<compartment>:{<subcompartment>:array((nocells, notimesteps))}} ## chempardict:{<compartment>:array((nocells,notimesteps), ## dtype=[k_reac,Kaw,Koa,Kow]) ## zdict:{<compartment>:{<subcompartment>:array((nocells, notimesteps))}} def update_volumes(self, mean=False): if not mean: self.vdict = Volumes(self.par,self.compdict).V else: self.vdict = Volumes(self.parmean,self.compdict).V def update_chempardict(self, mean=False): if not mean: self.chempardict=tempcorrect(self.par, self.compdict, self.chemdict) else: self.chempardict=tempcorrect(self.parmean, self.compdict,\ self.chemdict) def update_zvalues(self, mean=False): if not mean: self.zdict = Zvalues(self.par, self.compdict, self.chempardict).Z else: self.zdict=Zvalues(self.parmean, self.compdict, self.chempardict).Z ########################################################################### ## Calculate D-values def update_dvalues_process(self): self.procobj=process(self) self.Dproc=self.procobj.getD() def update_dvalues_flows(self): self.Dflow=mkflowD(self) ############################################################################ ## Construction of system matrices
[docs] def update_zvinvlist(self): '''Make list of 1/ZV diagonal matrices (matdim,matdim) in sparse csr-format''' print('Making 1/ZV - matrices\n') self.ZVinvlist=mkZVinv(self)
def mkkillidx_fromV(self): #Calculating system-matrix indices indicating #zero-volume compartments; setting self.killidx killidx=[] for c in self.compdict.keys(): zerovols=where(sum(self.vdict[c]['bulk'], axis=1)==0)[0] killidx.extend(tocell(zerovols+1,c,self)) self.killidx=sort(array(killidx)) def mkkillidx_fromD(self): #Calculating 0-volume compatment indices from Dvalue-matrices. #Used for consistency check. zerovols=[] for m in self.bigDlist: zerovols.append(findemptycells(m)) if not all([x==zerovols[0] for x in zerovols]): sys.exit("update_bigDlist: detected inconsistent zero-volumes \ between timesteps. Aborting !") return(array(zerovols[0])) def _DtoK(self): #Create mass rate-constant matrices from D-value matrices for m in arange(0,len(self.bigDlist)): self.bigDlist[m]= self.bigDlist[m]*(self.ZVinvlist[m])
[docs] def update_bigDlist(self): '''Make system matrices ready for solving''' self.bigDlist=mkbigD(self) if self.controldict['dumpDmatrices'] in ['1','y','Y','yes','Yes','YES']: fn=os.path.join('Output',,'matrixdump.cpk') if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fn)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(fn)) else: if os.path.exists(fn): print('Attention: overwriting %s\n') % (fn) of=open(fn,'w') cPickle.dump(self.bigDlist,of,protocol=2) of.close() print('wrote D-value - matrices to %s\n') % (fn) ## consistency check for killidx print('Consistency check of zero-volume compartments: '), kidx=self.mkkillidx_fromD() if not all(kidx == self.killidx): sys.exit('Detected inconsistencies between\ 0-volumes and 0 rows/columns in D-matrices') print(' passed\n') ## compress D-value list for m in arange(0,len(self.bigDlist)): self.bigDlist[m]=compressmat(self.bigDlist[m], self.killidx) ## transform bigDlist to mass rate constants (divide by ZV) ## and save in csr - sparse format self._DtoK() ############################################################################ ## Functions reading input that are not called in __init__
[docs] def update_emissions(self,emfile): ''' Constructs emission object from emissions-input-file''' fn=os.path.join('Emissions', emfile) self.emission = Emission(fn)
[docs] def update_solver(self, stepfile='stepping_default.txt', solvparamfile='solvparams_default.txt', initfile='initial_default.txt'): ''' Updates or initializes the solver. :param string stepfile: File describing the mapping between timesteps and actual time :param string solvparamfile: File containing the parameters for the solver :param string initfile: File containing the initial contamination of the environments. ''' stepfile=os.path.join('Solver', stepfile) solvparamfile=os.path.join('Solver', solvparamfile) initfile=os.path.join('Solver', initfile) self.solver=Solver(self,stepfile,solvparamfile,initfile) ## Functions that solve the system
[docs] def solve_ss(self): ''' Averages the all mass rate matrices for each season (month) to get a time invariant system. Solves for the steady-state. ''' ## average D-value matrices self.Davg = mean(self.bigDlist) try: q=self.emission.get_emission(0,self,type='array') except AttributeError: print("update_emissions(<filename>) has to be called before\n"\ +"solving for steady-state. Did nothing!\n") return() ss_res =dot(-inv(self.Davg.toarray()), q) self.ss_res=expandvec(ss_res, self.killidx)
[docs] def solve_dyn(self, no_periods): ''' Solves the dynamic model for *no_periods* (years). ''' self.dyn_res=self.solver.solve_ode(no_periods) reslist=[] for resvec in self.dyn_res.T: reslist.append(expandvec(resvec, self.killidx)) self.dyn_res=array(reslist).T ############################################################################ ## output routines
[docs] def output_ss(self, filename='ss', units=['mol'], netcdf=False): """ :param string filename: Prefix of the output file(s). The output files will be written to Output/<run>/<filename>_x. :param list units: A list of strings to indicate the unit(s) of the output. Possible list elements are 'mol', 'mol_per_m3', 'kg', 'kg_per_m3' and 'Pa'. :param bool netcdf: Indicates whether netCDF-files are written or not. """ ## filename without extension (automatically generated from filetype) fn=os.path.join('Output',,filename) write_output_ss(self,fn,units,netcdf)
[docs] def output_dyn(self,filename='dyn',units=['mol'], netcdf=False): """ :param string filename: Prefix of the output file(s). The output files will be written to Output/<run>/<filename>_x. :param list units: A list of strings to indicate the unit(s) of the output. Possible list elements are 'mol', 'mol_per_m3', 'kg', 'kg_per_m3' and 'Pa'. :param bool netcdf: Indicates whether netCDF-files are written or not. """ ## filename without extension (automatically generated from filetype) fn=os.path.join('Output',,filename) write_output_dyn(self,fn,units,netcdf) ############################################################################ ## accessors
[docs] def get_avgMatrix(self): """ Returns the averages system matrix of mass rate constants used for the steady-state solution. """ print("Constructing full steady-state-matrix ...") try: avgmatrix=expandmatrix(self.Davg, self.killidx).toarray() except AttributeError: print("solve_ss() has to be called before acessing the averaged"\ +" system matrix.") return() print("OK") return(avgmatrix)
[docs] def get_ssEmission(self): """ Returns the full emission vector used for steady-state calculation in Compressed Sparse Column format. """ try: ssem=self.emission.get_emission(0,self,'array') except AttributeError: print("update_emissions(<filename>) has to be called before"\ +" acessing the emission vector. Did nothing!") return() print("Expanding emission vector ...") ssem=expandvec(ssem, self.killidx) print("OK") return(ssem) ## construct or update time-averages of parameters and flow-matrices
def average_parameters(self): self.parmean=empty((self.par.shape[0]), dtype=self.par.dtype) for field in self.par.dtype.names: self.parmean[field]=mean(self.par[field], axis=1) def average_flows(self): self.flowdictmean={} for item in self.flowdict.items(): meanmat=c_[item[1][:,0:2], mean(item[1][:,2:], axis=1)] self.flowdictmean[item[0]]=meanmat ############################# END OF ##################################